Parcel Delivery Information & Advice

When you choose Nexday Overnite APC Couriers based in Bolton for your parcel deliveries, we can offer any parcel delivery information or advice you may need, and to help you to select the best options for your requirements. As we know the APC Overnight services inside out, so don’t hesitate to call us for individual advice! If you haven’t started working with us yet, you can find our local depot’s details via the
Contact Us page on our website, or call 01204 709906 to be put straight through.

We’ve put together a list of FAQs, together with a few resources of extra information listed below…


Goods In Transit Liability Cover

What We Can and Can’t Carry

Packaging Advice

Product and Courier Service Guide

Volumetric Weight Guide (PDF File 37kb)

Non-Conveyorable Freight Guide (PDF File 74kb)

To Book A Collection Call

01204 709906

Our Opening Hours

MON – FRI 7.00am – 6.00pm
SAT 8.00am – 12.00pm
SUN Closed
B/HOL Closed

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