Parcel Delivery FAQs
Need any help or advice about our parcel delivery services here at Nexday Overnite, then just take a look at our dedicated FAQs section here or if you are still struggling, please call us on 01204 709906 and members of our support team will be pleased to help.
I’ve received a card telling me I’ve missed a delivery, what do I do now?
Call the number on the ‘We Called’ card to re-arrange delivery or to arrange to collect the parcel from your local depot.
Can I collect my parcel myself?
If you have received a ‘We Called’ card and you prefer to collect an item, please call your local depot who left the parcel to verify that the item has arrived back there before going to collect it, and to check opening hours. You will need to bring the card they left and one additional form of identification (such as a driving licence or household bill) bearing the address that the item was sent to.
Can my parcel be delivered to another address?
Items may only be redirected with permission from the sender. For security and contractual reasons we cannot accept redirection instructions from a recipient until the sender has authorised us to do this. If you are expecting to receive an item and want it to be delivered to a different address, please contact the sender who can in turn give us the authority to do this.
How can I track my parcel?
There are two ways of tracking your parcel. Firstly, if you are the sender, you can register and obtain an ID and password which will allow you to login to enter the customer area where you can track your parcels. Alternatively for single consignments, or if you are receiving a parcel, you can use the Track Your Parcel feature.
How do I get proof of delivery? (POD)
There are two ways of getting a POD. Firstly you can register here and obtain an ID and password which will allow you to login to enter the customer area to see all of your POD’s. Alternatively for single consignments you can use the Track Your Parcel page. If you are having difficulties obtaining your POD using either of the above methods please contact us on 01204 709906.
When will my parcel be delivered?
For deliveries to the majority of the UK we deliver on the next working day after the item was sent (this may vary in some rural locations). When an item is booked with Nexday Overnite, the sender will specify delivery from our range of services. This is normally for delivery by 09:00, 10:00, 12:00 or 16:00 on the next working day (Mon-Fri). Delivery will be attempted between 08.00 and the selected delivery time. We can also deliver by 7:30 am to most major cities. Please contact us on 01204 709906 to check availability and price. A Saturday morning service is available to most areas. We also offer a same day local delivery, get a quote!
Is my parcel covered by any Goods In Transit Liability Cover?
Please visit our dedicated Goods In Transit Liability Cover page for further information.
How can I get information on opening an account?
Please contact us on 01204 709906 and we’ll be more than happy to help.
How do I book online?
Once you have opened an account with us you’ll be able to do this using our Book A Collection page and then you will be re-directed to the relevant service offered.
How do I get a quotation
For our main core delivery services you can call us on 01204 709906 or we also over an instant quote service for local same day delivery.
How do I register for a User ID and password?
To register please visit the APC registration page then once registered to can use our enhanced services.
How do I view my POD information?
To view a single POD, use the Track Your Parcel page.
If you are a registered user of the website, log in, using the book online page. You will then see an additional menu where you can view your PODs. You can list all PODs for a given date or search for individual jobs by consignment or reference number.
You can also download a file containing your POD information which can be read into a spreadsheet program or word processor.
Is there anything you don’t carry?
Please visit our dedicated page on what we can and can’t carry.
Where can I find your terms and conditions?
Please visit our dedicated conditions of carriage page.
What are the advantages of registering so I can log in via ‘My APC’?
If you are a regular user of APC services you may find it helpful to register so that you can see several PODs at one time, for example all deliveries on a specific day, instead of having to type in the consignment information each time you send a job.
Logged in users will also be given access to other relevant information from time to time. For example, if you use the APC Customer Connect software, you can download updates from this site.
We will never pass your details to a third party.
What is your website security policy
Please visit our online policies page.
To Book A Collection Call
01204 709906
Our Opening Hours
MON – FRI | 7.00am – 6.00pm | |
SAT | 8.00am – 12.00pm | |
SUN | Closed | |
B/HOL | Closed |